Friday, February 11, 2011

1 - Cars

Which recent invention change people’s lives most?
I think cars changed our lives the most. Without cars we would not be able to go to work, or go places far from our house.

If we couldn’t go to work, we will not be able to pay the water bill and the house bill.

If you don’t pay the bill they would cut your water bill.
I think electricity we need.

With out electricity we would not be able to make copies of the sagely and that would be a disaster.


  1. I agree! Cars are very useful. You also mentioned electricity. If you had to choose which one makes life easier, cars or electricity, which would you choose?

  2. You are absolutely right. Most businesses are not near where people live anymore so it would be hard to get to work without a car. And without work there is no money to pay our bills. I like how you understand those things and wrote about them.
    You did a good job! ^_^
    Love, Granny

  3. Love this! You're absolutely right, we have to go to work to pay the bills.
