Monday, January 10, 2011

18 - Kickball

Kids run around the bases as the kicker kick the ball as hard as he can. The third baseman calls for the ball. The pitcher throws the ball and it’s an out. Would you like to learn how to play kickball? To know how to play, you have to know the equipment, rules, and some strategies.

First, you kneed to learn the equipment. You absolutely need a ball and four bases the shape of a diamond. If you want to kick far a bouncy ball is the best. You also need a couple of kickers, a pitcher, a first, second, and third basemen, and a couple of outfielders. If you don’t have bases you could use sweaters, or cones.
The next thing you need to learn is the rules. The most important rule is that there is one kicker, because it starts the game. The next important rule is that the pitcher must roll the ball to the kicker. If the kicker kicks the ball past the 3rd base line, it is a foul. Another rule is that if the kicker kicks it, and the other team catches it, the kicker is out.

There are many good strategies to kickball. The best strategy is if you are on base, and the other team catches, you should run after they catch the ball. Another strategy is if a teammate is on first base and you are the kicker, you should kick toward third base so you don’t get your teammate out. A good strategy for the outfield is if you are at first base and the kicker is running toward second base you should throw the ball.

Kickball is a very, very fun game, so I hope you play. I can’t wait to see you.


  1. You wrote a very good article about kickball. It made me remember that I used to play it in school and I really liked playing it, too.
    My favorite strategy that you wrote about is to kick toward third base, if someone is on first base, so they won't get tagged out.
    Excellent writing! ^_^
    Love, Granny

  2. I like that you used so much detail in your kickball story!!!
