Monday, January 31, 2011

28 - My Grandma's House

My grandma’s house

On August 6 I went to my grandma’s house to help her with things she needed help on. She said,” do you want to help me with the jelly”? I said ,”yes”. I went to go get the bowl to put the strawberries and blackberries in.

Next we went into the garden to pick the strawberries and blackberries. The blackberries were behind the shed. They were covered with spider webs. I screamed because I ran into a spider web. The strawberries were by the raspberries. The bees were sucking the nectar out the flowers, but besides that they were easy to get.

Then we rinse them off with cold water. Then we put them in a pot with warm water. It almost filled the top of the pot. We boiled it for five minuets with gelatin. Then it got thick.

Last we put the jelly into some jars. Then we put them into the refrigerator to cool for 3-4 hours. When it cooled we ate the jelly with some toast!


  1. Hello #28!
    Boy, I really liked some of the words you chose to use in this piece about jelly-making. You wrote not just about berries, but the specific kind of berries. Also, the sentence "the bees were sucking the nectar out of the flowers" is very descriptive without being junked up with a lot of extra words. it is very evocative of summertime. Can you guess what that word "evocative" means? Anyhow, good verb usage. I also liked how you told about screaming: another good verb there.

    In the second to last paragraph, can you put a couple of your sentences together with one of your conjunctions? I forget what your teacher called those little words but they are and, or, nor, for, but, etc.

    Write on, No. 28!

  2. Reading your story made me remember how much I loved being with my grandma when I was growing up. Those are special memories for me.
    I don't like running into spider webs, either! ^_^
    I think you did a fabulous job writing this story. Thank you for sharing it with me.
    Love, Granny

  3. That sounds like so much fun! I have always wanted to try making jams and jellies. Sounds pretty yummy. Now that I've read your directions, I just might have to try and make some.
