Wednesday, April 6, 2011

13 - Cobras

Scanned Not Typed

Cobras are found in the Philippines, southern Asia, and Africa. The king cobra holds the record length of 24 ft. The king cobra is unique among snakes in that it makes a nest for its egg, scraping up leaves and other debris in which to deposit them, and remain in the next until the young hatch.

This snake causes thousands of deaths each year in India where it is regarded with religious awe and is seldom killed. This snake can spray its venom from a distance of about 7 ft accurately. Some of the cobras colors are gray, dark gray, brown and black.

A common name for a venomous snake of the cobra family. Also called the Egyptian cobra, it is found throughout Africa. A cobra can open its mouth to catch a rat.

Most Cobras are carnivorous and they eat each other, birds, fish, frogs, lizards and such small animals as rabbit and rats. Most of them swallow there prays alive. However some kill there pray and then eat it.

They're two hundred seventy different kinds of Cobras. King Cobras lay 20-70 eggs in a nest, which is faithfully, guarded by female her mate.
, Cobras can hear although they sense sound throughout contact with the ground much better than humans.

Cobras don't always inject venom when they bite some things.

They can do a dry bite if they want to. The male king cobra stays with the male king cobra stays with the female and her eggs, and takes turns guarding and hunting. The cobra can stand 6 to 3 ft height.

The cobra can gee a human moving three hundred and thirty feet away.


  1. Dear #13,

    First, SNAKES SCARE ME!!! Second, I enjoyed reading your piece because I am scared of snakes, but it’s fun to know interesting facts about them. Third, you did great with using complex sentences in several areas—Great job!!

    My suggestions: 1. Try and keep the paragraphs longer than one or two sentences. You could have grouped some of these “paragraphs” together and the paper would have flowed a little better. 2. Be careful with how you use their, there, and they’re. They are confusing, but just practice them and I think you’ll get them right. 3. I may have ended the paper a little more creatively, but sticking with your idea. Perhaps say something like “The cobra see a human moving 330 feet away, and that’s without glasses.” Or, something with a little fun in it.

    I have a question: Is a Cobra the same as a King Cobra?


  2. Thank you for an excellent story on cobras. You did a great job and it's easy to see that you really studied the subject first.
    I've always thought cobras are beautiful. They are the best looking snakes, aren't they? I had no idea that they make a nest, though. That was very interesting. And, wow, up to 70 eggs in one nest? That's a LOT of baby snakes!
    Great job. ^_^
    Love, Granny
