Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4 - Lincoln

Scanned not typed

One of our very important founding fathers was a man who was the 16th president of the United States of America. His name is Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky.

He was named after his grandfather who was killed by Indians. He had an older sister named Sarah. When Lincoln was two years old he moved to a different area called knob creek. Knob creek is still located in Kentucky, so the trip didn't take too long. Lincoln mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, gave birth to another son named Thomas, like his father’s name, but only lived for a few days. He then died. Five years later Lincoln moved to Indiana. It was only four years later when I Abraham's mother died and only a year later when his father remarried to; a woman named
Sarah Bush Johnston.

When he was twenty one he moved Illinois. There he decided that he was old enough to earn his own money, so he worked in a
The things that happened to him were now going to move onto why he's in our history. Books. Abraham Lincoln ran for president in the year of 1860. And he had won! He had become the 16th president! But, on April 12, 1861 the civil war had begun. Now I don't know if you've noticed this, but the civil war started exactly one month after Lincoln's birthday. Abraham was saddened by how Americans were fighting against

He wanted to save the whole United States.

On April 14th the people from the south surrendered. The next day, Abe proclaimed to have 75,000 military volunteers. But, soon one nation was split into two and the people that weren't on Abraham's side were full of anger and fury. Virginia seceded meaning they separated and made their own capital. The same thing happened to Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee

Two months later. Now if you look oil it map you see that Washington borders Virginia, so Washington wasn't to far away. It is also bordered by the, slavery state Maryland. On July 21st the civil war continued. The war took place at a creek in you guessed it Virginia. In that war over 600 men died.
On August 1st of the same year Lincoln signed a paper - that said that all slaves used for military purposes would; be freed from slavery. Abraham did many other things for his country.

Now you're probably thinking I already know how he died, but you may not know all the details. So I lets skip ahead shall we, Lincoln went to Fords theater to see a play called “Our American Cousin." He sat in a rocking chair that was especially made for him.

John Wilkes Booth was about to do something that would brighten everyone. He had been planning this for a long time. Did you know that John Wilkes Booth sometimes acted out there, so he was easily allowed to make his way to where he was sitting?

The police guard that was supposed to be there had left. He slowly and quietly made his way to where Lincoln was sitting and ““boom" he was shot.
Booth jumped down from the balcony where Lincoln was sitting and broke his leg, but still managed to escape. On April 15th 1865 at 7:22 am, just three days after his birthday Abraham took his last breath. They made a room in the White House just for people to come and pay their respects for everything he had done. Lincoln 1809 to 1865 was a very great man.


  1. Dear #4,

    Without knowing your exact assignment, I’m giving feedback that may or may not be correct.

    First, great job on your piece. People in history have always been a little difficult for me to write about because there is always so much information about them, and it’s hard to narrow it down to just certain pieces. I like that you kept the piece in chronological order. It makes the piece easy to follow. I like that you ended your piece with a solid statement that he was a great man.

    I would recommend, depending on the assignment, that your piece be a little less “conversational.” Things like “Now you’re probably thinking I already know he died”, etc. could be changed to, “Many know that Lincoln died, but may not know specific details.” In general, I don’t write papers such as this like I’m talking directly to the audience. That being said, your piece was in fact, easy to follow.


  2. I am VERY impressed with your writing. You did an excellent job. It is obvious that you really studied your subject before you wrote about it. And you know what? I'm 59 years old, and I never knew that the reason John Wilkes Booth was allowed easy access to the theater was because he was an actor there. I knew he was an actor but I never figured out that people at the theater felt comfortable with him being there because they knew him. Thank you for that information! ^_^
    Love, Granny
