Saturday, September 17, 2011

New blog address

I wanted to let you know that there is a new blog address for this year. The new blog can be seen at!

Thanks for checking it out.

Ms. L

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tre - field day

Field Day - Tre

From a most unforgettable experience in school as when it was Field Day last year. It was so much fun that anyone would be partners.

There are races, and hot potato when he says and there is a balloon toss is really five that you throw back and back and forth to a partner.

There is a petting place where you can pat someone's pet. There will also be a tug-of-war. Mostly any class I may lose is the type of work.

I'm mostly good at bowling. I get a spare, or a strike in a row. We see we can walk by holding a string attached to camps that we step on.

The only two player activity game is the three legged race. The teacher ties one of your legs and you both have to stop at the same pace and don't fall.

When we are about to end field day my teacher and another teacher in me were having a water balloon fight. My teacher hit me with the balloon, but the other teacher didn't get hit. But when the tug-of-war competition was about to begin the principal told me to throw water balloons at Mr. Thompson our sub.

23 - puppies

Wild Puppies - Andrace
Some puppies that might be a little wild. Puppiesthey don't howl might not be wild. For example chocolate puppies live in the wild part in Africa. Wild puppies learn to howl when they're very young like two or three years. Howling is really good for wild puppies. They talk from far, far away.

More wild puppies are the Arctic fox, red fox, jackal, Gray Fox, red Wolf, Gray Wolf and Jacal. If you go to the zoo stay back. Be careful. Now the coyote pups fall asleep in a den. AI den is a hole in the ground. How many pups can fit in it den? It depends on the size of the den.

I hope you enjoyed learning about wild puppies.

30 - Note from Ms. Luria

I wanted to let people know that I am experimenting with different ways of putting student stories on the blog. Some of the stories were scanned using a handwriting recognition program. I am also trying out the dragon naturally speaking software to see if that is a faster way of getting student stories onto the blog.

Please assume that most errors are from the scanning process or the dictation process, not from the student.

I hope everyone is doing well!

28 - The Beach

Dictated, not typed

The most unforgettable time I remember is the first time I went to the beach. I went to the beach when I was nine years old in the summer on a hot sunny day.

One hot Friday it was in March. It was also spring break. My dad, grandma, grandpa, uncle Miguel, and I went to the beach. The beach was called Seaside Coast. We drove in a truck. The drive was about six or seven hours. When we got there, it was already sunset.

My grandma and I went to the office to get a room. My grandma got a room with three beds. Grandma and grandpa slept in the bed. My uncle Miguel slept in the other. Then my dad and I slept in the third bed. We settled in the room. And in the room there was a microwave, coffee pot, to use, and refrigerator. Then we went to Safeway to get some food for dinner.

When we came back we had Chinese food, cookies, and ice cream for dinner. After dinner we got washed up to go to bed. When everyone was sleep I stayed up and walked to the window to see the beach. The waves looked beautiful at night because the headlight out there if anyone was out there. Then I decided to watch TV for two hours until midnight. Then I went to sleep.

The next morning we went out to the beach. I made a sand castle and I got to walk in the water and collect sea shells. I saw purple shawl that I liked, but there was already a snail living there. My dad took the shuttle and boiled the snail out. Then a few hours later we went back home.

Eric - My worst experience

Dictated, not typed

The most unforgettable experience I had was in first grade. My teacher was the meanest teacher of all time. She gave me 21 referrals and I got expelled 24 times. She was especially hard on Abdul. Abdul got 30 referrals and 100 think sheets. Le got 8 referrals and 43 white slips.

She never let us have things that rot our teeth like chocolate milk. She always called me stupid and always made me call home. She was always nice to this kid named Max. He was the smartest kid in the class, and everybody hated him because he was the only one that got a compliment every day.

At the last day of school she expelled me because someone had a food fight and she blamed me. I was grounded for a week, and two months passed. Then a second grade. So my new teacher and it was Mrs. N. I was really happy! The starting of the year went great. Except in November me and my two friends missed the bus and walked home. We got in trouble for not informing a teacher that we messed it. I had to miss two months of recess. I was also banned from the Xbox early, but my dad put it for a day. There were two talent shows that year and I was in both. For the rest of the year everything went smooth and easy. Lastly I now regret going to first grade and I'm not happy about it.

Cynthia - My Worst Experience

Note - Dictated, not typed

My unforgettable experience of school is when I got a white slip. I got a white slip for not listening to the teacher and for talking. I got three white slips. In five years I've not gotten a white slip until this year. This year I have changed. The past five years I used to be really shy. And this year I have been much less shy. Mostly I've been talking to my friends, when I'm not supposed to talk to them. That is one of the reasons why I got a white slip.

The other reason why I got a white slip, was when I wasn't paying attention to the teacher. When Ms. Luria was giving instructions, I wasn't paying attention. When she was done getting the instructions I didn't know what to do. Ms. Luria Knows when you're not paying attention. When she knows that you're not paying attention and she stares at you. Then she calls on you and ask you what she just said. While she asked me back, and I got a warning, so I got my name on the board. Later that same day I started talking with my friends when I wasn't supposed to, and the other white slip.

Le - Penguins

Scanned, not typed

Penguins are fascinating animals. This story is mostly about a tragedy that happened to Penguins in march soon. Penguins are really nice animals to me and they are good swimmers They would be even more fascinating to me if they could fly but they can't . In fact, one of my favorite movies is about a penguin which is called happy feet. Now, it time for a sad tragedy that happened in March 2000. Did you realize that - a huge, iceberg that was about twice the size of Delaware broke off.

The penguins weren't able to access theirs feeding ground because of the ice that blocked it. In 2001 of July, there was an island that about - twelve hundred male penguins were taking care of - their eggs, another large iceberg broke off and crashed the, island. That crash caused the female penguins to not be able to come to their nesting area.

When winter ends every year, around 400,000 emperor penguins travel about 2-70 miles across - the ice to the breeding area. It seems - to
The waddle when they walk they still walk faster then us, penguins mostly are dressed black and white. They can hold their breath for 20 minutes while we can hold ours for 10 seconds.

They use stones and put them in then crop which helps them float on water, they are not afraid of humans but. Are endangered by oil spills and water pollution. They have their own computer game called club penguin. She penguin skipper, kowalski, private, and. Rico are penguins in Penguins
of Madagascar.

This is why penguins are fascinating animals to me and I hope join think their fascinating also !

4 - Lincoln

Scanned not typed

One of our very important founding fathers was a man who was the 16th president of the United States of America. His name is Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky.

He was named after his grandfather who was killed by Indians. He had an older sister named Sarah. When Lincoln was two years old he moved to a different area called knob creek. Knob creek is still located in Kentucky, so the trip didn't take too long. Lincoln mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, gave birth to another son named Thomas, like his father’s name, but only lived for a few days. He then died. Five years later Lincoln moved to Indiana. It was only four years later when I Abraham's mother died and only a year later when his father remarried to; a woman named
Sarah Bush Johnston.

When he was twenty one he moved Illinois. There he decided that he was old enough to earn his own money, so he worked in a
The things that happened to him were now going to move onto why he's in our history. Books. Abraham Lincoln ran for president in the year of 1860. And he had won! He had become the 16th president! But, on April 12, 1861 the civil war had begun. Now I don't know if you've noticed this, but the civil war started exactly one month after Lincoln's birthday. Abraham was saddened by how Americans were fighting against

He wanted to save the whole United States.

On April 14th the people from the south surrendered. The next day, Abe proclaimed to have 75,000 military volunteers. But, soon one nation was split into two and the people that weren't on Abraham's side were full of anger and fury. Virginia seceded meaning they separated and made their own capital. The same thing happened to Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee

Two months later. Now if you look oil it map you see that Washington borders Virginia, so Washington wasn't to far away. It is also bordered by the, slavery state Maryland. On July 21st the civil war continued. The war took place at a creek in you guessed it Virginia. In that war over 600 men died.
On August 1st of the same year Lincoln signed a paper - that said that all slaves used for military purposes would; be freed from slavery. Abraham did many other things for his country.

Now you're probably thinking I already know how he died, but you may not know all the details. So I lets skip ahead shall we, Lincoln went to Fords theater to see a play called “Our American Cousin." He sat in a rocking chair that was especially made for him.

John Wilkes Booth was about to do something that would brighten everyone. He had been planning this for a long time. Did you know that John Wilkes Booth sometimes acted out there, so he was easily allowed to make his way to where he was sitting?

The police guard that was supposed to be there had left. He slowly and quietly made his way to where Lincoln was sitting and ““boom" he was shot.
Booth jumped down from the balcony where Lincoln was sitting and broke his leg, but still managed to escape. On April 15th 1865 at 7:22 am, just three days after his birthday Abraham took his last breath. They made a room in the White House just for people to come and pay their respects for everything he had done. Lincoln 1809 to 1865 was a very great man.

13 - Cobras

Scanned Not Typed

Cobras are found in the Philippines, southern Asia, and Africa. The king cobra holds the record length of 24 ft. The king cobra is unique among snakes in that it makes a nest for its egg, scraping up leaves and other debris in which to deposit them, and remain in the next until the young hatch.

This snake causes thousands of deaths each year in India where it is regarded with religious awe and is seldom killed. This snake can spray its venom from a distance of about 7 ft accurately. Some of the cobras colors are gray, dark gray, brown and black.

A common name for a venomous snake of the cobra family. Also called the Egyptian cobra, it is found throughout Africa. A cobra can open its mouth to catch a rat.

Most Cobras are carnivorous and they eat each other, birds, fish, frogs, lizards and such small animals as rabbit and rats. Most of them swallow there prays alive. However some kill there pray and then eat it.

They're two hundred seventy different kinds of Cobras. King Cobras lay 20-70 eggs in a nest, which is faithfully, guarded by female her mate.
, Cobras can hear although they sense sound throughout contact with the ground much better than humans.

Cobras don't always inject venom when they bite some things.

They can do a dry bite if they want to. The male king cobra stays with the male king cobra stays with the female and her eggs, and takes turns guarding and hunting. The cobra can stand 6 to 3 ft height.

The cobra can gee a human moving three hundred and thirty feet away.

25 - Frogs

Scanned, not typed

Some frogs are coming up. Kind of weird. They start popping up with too .many lets, or have no lets or their legs are growing in weird places. Like in their stomachs! Many people have seen them around the world.

Frogs are amphibians; they live on land and in water. All amphibians depend on the outside environment for body heat, they are exothermic.

That's why we might see a frog sunbathing on a lily pad.

All frogs are. Four- legged tailless creatures with smooth or warty skin that usually is moist.

They never have claws on their toes. Many but different types of frogs deposit jelly like clusters of eggs in water. The eggs hatch into tadpoles. There are lots of different frogs about 3,700 species, and frogs live almost every where in the whole.

Program There are many different types of frogs like the South American horned frog, the Red eyed tree frog, the painted reed frog, the water holding frog. I could name them all day but, there are too many. Scientist uses a universal system to keep track of frogs and millions of other things on earth. The system is called taxonomy. It's really a way of grouping or classifying things. We use - classification systems everyday. For instance we know there's a difference between a rattlesnake and a zucchini. And we know that a chicken has something in common with an eagle. That's basic taxonomy.

In, conclusion, that's how frogs survived the extinction of dinosaurs, how frogs are vanishing from earth, how frog's are coming up weird. There are many types of frogs.

So is and frogs are Being watched h a I a thing "s called taxonomy. I hope I learn even more about frogs.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

26 - Foxes

Please Note: This document was scanned and then used a handwriting to text converter. The errors in the document are mainly from the scanning software, not from the student.

Red fox are the most. common foxes that live. in North America Europe Asia and in the deepest wilderness. If you are lucky you might see them in your own backyard ! They dig their own den. For shelter and protection .

The red fox has. a reddish coat with white underneath and big bushy tail with a white

· tip at the end. Red Foxes have a under fur called guard hair. It protects it from... snow and rain but soon in summer it will shed. Not all Red Foxes are red some are black or silver. They are a size of a large cat.

Foxes are omnivores eating berries, worms and small rodents. They hunt in the early mornings and hunt all year long. Most foxes have 42 teeth. Their teeth are different from other meat eater's teeth.


Long sharp teeth in the front are called incisors and are used to

Catch and hold the prey. Foxes can run for about.., 1hr. at a speed of 45 miles.

They are shy animals so they wait until mating season. Some they breed during Dec. - To Feb . Male I foxes are called dog foxes. Female foxes are called vixens and baby foxes are called kits. Dog foxes use their scent to attract the vixen produces about 4 to 5 pups once a year in spring. When a fox is born, the mother fox curls her pups in the den.

Finally where the pups are a couple weeks old, they will go outside. For the first time. Then they will be teached from their dad about hunting.

Foxes have several ways to communicate with each other. They mark places with their scent and make sounds.

There are many several factors that cause death in foxes. Animals that prey on foxes are hawks.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pictures of Rosa Jane

Rosa Jane was born March 27th at 7:36pm. She weighs 7 lbs and 2 oz. Here are some picture of her for you to enjoy!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Website

Hi everyone!

I hope you are enjoying your spring break. I wanted to let you know that I am working on a new website that you are welcome to visit. Click here to see the new website!

Click here if you would like to see some more photos of Ms. L and her family.

The baby has not come yet, but she should be here before the end of Spring Break! I'll post some pictures when she arrives.

Take care,
Ms. L

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hello from Ms. Luria

Hi everyone,

I hope you are having a very good week. I am so proud of all of you for working hard on your science, math and reading tests. Your hard work is paying off! I miss all of you a lot, but am staying busy. I am learning to play the Ukulele, which is a small instrument like a guitar. I have taken one lesson and am practicing every single day!

I am still pregnant. The baby should come before or on the 26th of March. I will post pictures as soon as I get home from the hospital.

If you would like to email me, you are welcome to do that. To email me you should use the address I do not respond to any forwards, but if you write me a letter, I will write you back.

Much love,
Ms. Luria

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Aung San Suu Kyi

Have you ever been locked inside your room for a punishment? You guys were probaly locked for a few hours, but have you ever thought about being locked inside your house for more than 15 years? Well let me tell you this, Aung San Suu Kyi, a buddhist burmese politician, was under house arrest for more than 2 decades! 21 years to be exact! Aung San Suu Kyi was born on June 19, 1945, now 65 years old. She was born in Burma, or now known as Myanmar(Myanmar is located in Southeast Asia). Her father, Aung San, was a Burmese soldier, and helped fight for the country's independance in 1947, and was assinated also in 1947 by his enemies. Myanmar's government is Republican, but San Suu Kyi was a Democracy leader. She made speeches about how she thinks Burma should have a Democratic government. One of her most famous speeches was the "Freedom From Fear" speech. It starts off as,"It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it." In 1988, NLD, or National League of Democracy was formed, with San Suu Kyi as general secretary.

Suu Kyi entered politics to support Democracy, and was then put under house arrest in her house in Rangoon, Burma on July 20, 1989. House arrest is like federal prison, but instead of being in a jail cell, your locked inside your house, but food is still served. The country offered her freedom if she left the country, but Suu Kyi refused the offer. She believes that one fear of the many world leaders' is to lose sight of their purpose. "Goverment officials are amazing," Suu Kyi had once said, "So often it seems that they're the last to know what people actually want." Still during her arrest in 1990, Suu Kyi recieved the Sakharov Prize, for "Freedom From Fear". Just the year after, she recieved the Nobel Peace Prize, in which her 2 children recieved both of these awards on her behalf. Suu Kyi used the 1.3 million USD prize money to arrange a health and education trust plan for all of the Burmese people. Suu Kyi did an interview (after she was released, of course), and said that during her time under house arrest, she read about philosophy, politics, and biographies that her husband had sent her. Occasionally, she was allowed to have visits from foriegn diplomats, and her personal doctor. On September 22 2007, she made a breif apperance in front of her house in Rangoon, Burma to accept the blessings of the Buddhists monks, who were marching to support their beliefs of human rights.

On May 3, 2009 there was a tresspass incident. An American man, identified as John Yettaw, swam across the Inya lake to go to Suu Ky's house without being invited. He was arrested when 3 years later he attempted to do the same thing. Suu Kyi was arrested for violating the terms of her house arrest, on May 13, 2011, because she let John Yettaw into her house when he was exhausted from swimming across the lake, and was supposedly swimming back home.

She was finally released on July 10, 1995 after more than 5 years, but continued doing protests and speeches, so was put back under house arrest on September 23, 2000. After 19 months, she was released on May 6 2002. On May 30, 2003 she was put under house arrest for the same reason. On May 27, 2005, her sentence was extended by 1 year. And now here's the checkpoint, on October 24, 2007, she has reached 12 years of house arrest. During that time, there were protests held in 12 different cities around the world. Now, just because you have the checkpoint, the game isn't over. On May 27, 2008, her sentence was extended for a WHOLE 'NOTHER YEAR, which is illegal by international law, AND the Burmese law, because a sentence can only be extended 1 time. Okay, I'm almost done, on August 11, 2009, her sentence was EXTENDED FOR ANOTHER 18 MONTHS, because of a violation of arising from the May 2009 tresspass incident, as I mentioned before. Now, finally, on November 13, 2010, she was released from house arrest, and was NOT put back. Yeah, do the math, she was put in house arrest for 21 years, but due to many gaps of putting back in and out of house arrest, it is technically a little bit more than 12 years. Suu Kyi then recieved 20 other awards, because the organizations of those awards wanted her to make a big acceptance speech. Suu Kyi also wrote a lot of books after her release, about what it was like to be under house arrest.

I really want to follow Aung San Suu Kyi's foot steps. I want to send a message to everyone just like she did, to not give up, and show all others that you will keep fighting, even in the darkest times. I hope that Suu Kyi will have a great and happy future, with her husband and 2 children, because I think she's already been through enough. And that's the end of my speech about Aung Sang Suu Kyi, thank you.

Monday, February 28, 2011

18 - The Adventure in Time

Billy Morenzo walked through the tower of the old house’s attic. No one had been there for years. The tower was covered with vines and 50 feet high. He tried to find a way out but it was no use. An old gnome had locked him in there, after he figured out his secret.

That night Billy shivered under his thin blanket, as he watched the bats fly around. All the nights he had been locked up, he had thought about his family. Billy had a brother Justin, a sister Margaret, and his parents Kyle and Alexandra. He wondered if they missed him or, if they did not remember.

In the morning the gnome came with Billy’s breakfast. It was bacon, eggs, orange juice, and toast. As Billy ate, the gnome handed him a blanket and green clothes. Billy hadn’t got a clean pair of clothes for a week.

‘’We are going out,’’ grunted the gnome in some language. Somehow Billy understood. Billy was glad to stretch his legs.

Outside, the gnome, who Billy called George the Grump, attached a backpack to Billy’s back with a string. On the backpack there was a rope that George was holding onto. As they walked the gnome instructed him to do push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks.

They walked into a forest that Billy had never seen from the tower window. George seemed to read his thoughts.

‘’ It’s a magical forest called the Feeling of Fairies.’’ George said ‘’If we are lucky, we might see a fairy.’’ Billy hoped that they would see one. He had never seen a fairy.

About 20 minutes later they neared an old oak tree.

‘’I want you to see something’’ said George.

‘’Okay,’’ said Billy ‘’Is this another magical thing?’’ he asked.

‘’No,’’ replied George. He knocked on the tree three times. A door opened and Billy gasped.

What he saw was unbelievable. It was Willy Wonka!!!!!! Mr. Wonka was nursing a small oompaa-loompa back to health. Billy could see a deep bite mark on the oompa-loompa’s arm. Billy twitched.

‘’Hi Mr. Wonka,’’said George. Wonka did not here him. Billy was confused.

‘’Well, I’ll be on my way,’’ said George, and they left.

On the way back, Billy saw something flutter beside him and land on his palm. It was a fairy. The fairy was blue and had pink wings. The fairy moved around and layed down. Soon she was fast asleep.

When they got back, Billy made a small bed with his old thin blanket and put the fairy down.

‘’Better get some sleep,’’ said George. So Billy went to sleep.

In the morning the fairy was 6 feet tall and 6 feet long. Billy was amazed.

‘’Maybe I can escape on her,’’ he thought. Then he thought of a plan. When George came with his breakfast Billy ate it all.

‘’ I got to go take care of my wife,’’ said George. ’’ Hope you don’t mind.’’

‘’ I don’t mind,’’ said Billy and thought ‘’Game time.’’

When the gnome left, Billy jumped on the fairy. He tugged her wings and she lifted up into the air. They flew through the high window and over the gnome. The gnome shouted and cursed but it, but his words could do nothing.

‘’Bye,’’ screamed Billy.

Billy woke up on the fairy’s back. She had landed. He looked around. Billy was in his town’s park!!! Billy was so excited that he jumped off the fairy and hugged her.

‘’ Thanks,’’ he said as she flew up and away.

As Billy ran home, he saw his friend Jimmy Renker.

‘’Come to my house, and I will tell you about my adventure,’’ said Billy.

‘’Sure,’’ said Jimmy. And they ran off to Billy’s house.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thank you and update from Ms. L

I wanted to say thank you to all of the individuals who have posted comments for students over the past two years. Every student has enjoyed having outside people reading their stories. I think that both you and I have seen all of the students grow tremendously as writers over these past two years.

As you may or may not know, I am expecting my third child at the end of the this month. Due to some complications, this week will be my last week at school. I will only be teaching half time for this last week, and then am going to need to take off. I will show my long term substitute teacher how to use the blog, but I do not know if it will be updated or not while I am out.

I also wanted to thank a donor who very generously offered to buy one book for each of my students. I talked with the place that prints the book and was able to get a 30% discount for my students. I know that it will mean a lot to them to have a published book of their own writings.

Once again, thank you for every comment you have made. The students love to receive these comments. This has been a wonderful experience for them that would not have been possible without all of your help.

Thank you,

Ms. L

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

13 - Save Planet Earth

Save Planet Earth

1. Do you worry about the earth? My dream is that people can save the world by not using cars and things that damage the world.

2. The gas kills the earth, and the earth ends faster. The gas pollutes the air, and we die because it damages our lungs. The rainforest gets cut down to look for gas, and we get less oxygen.

3. Stop using gas on cars. Go exercise. Be the weight you would love to be healthy. Save our planet, love it, recycle. We want to have a happier life and a long one too. You have to be happy with the life you have now because when you die you are going to say ‘’Why didn’t I enjoy my life when I was young?’’

4. We all want to live longer because you will think I love my life. Don’t let the earth end. Work hard, recycle, and love. You are not bad help by doing good things. Clean your neighborhood.

In the future I would like to see our world green.

25 - My dream

How would it be if we couldn’t breathe because of the pollution from the cars gas? What if it destroys our planet? I have a dream that people will stop polluting the air. My dream includes me seeing more people walking and less people driving cars as much, so we don’t pollute the air.

I think that people should not use cars so much! Using cars is bad, but one car per family is enough. Carpooling isn’t bad either. I think carpooling with friends is okay! Instead of 3 million people in cars each day. Maybe only 1,000 or even 3,000 .

Maybe more people walking to school, or walking to the store could make a difference. I see people driving to places like to their friends house could make a difference. I see people driving to places like to their friends house even thought it’s right across the street. I’[d like to see more people walking to school or the store.

I think we should walk instead of drive because we’d be a lot healthier than before. We’d save money with not buying expensive things too! We’d be able to spend more money on things we need like clothes, food, and anything else we need.

In the future, I would like to see no more cars powered on gas. Maybe cars powered on water? Or rain water? I hope one day that happens.

15 - Stealing

Oh! No! What happened? People get robbed every day at home, stores even at schools. That’s why I have a dream that there will be no more of this stealing no more of robbing and to make sure that’s why I think there should be more camera’s everywhere. That’s why I have a little story and it was the coolest thing that happened to me.

It all started when I was in third grade. Me and my family all went to the mall I said can I go to the bathroom. Then I saw a man take something from the mall. I was scared I thought he was one of the workers, but he wasn’t. He broke all the camera’s, but good for me ,the man got caught by an officer ,I was happy so that’s why I told the officer you should buy some kind of medal camera , so you no when someone brakes in that’s when the officer said “kid you should be a police officer when you grow up.

In conclusion I think this can help the world by not being worried you’ll get robbed or stuff stolen from you. I hope that there will never be robbing in this world ever.

10 - My Dream

I have a dream that someday homeless people will have a home and food. What if you were homeless, and had no food? How would you feel? These are some ideas on how to help the homeless people.

I’ve seen people on the streets asking for money, shelter or a job. There are lots of homeless people. Some of them don’t have food or money to buy anything.

Some ways we can help them is by giving them a little bit of money or change. Maybe we can help them find shelter. You can give them food or help them get a job.

By helping them, they won’t suffer anymore. They will maybe have jobs or homes. That way they will live a normal life like most of us, and have a home and a job.

In the future, I wish homeless people won’t need to worry about getting a house or food. This way they live a normal life like us.

8 - Recycling

Do you ever get tired of people leaving their garbage around? I have a dream that people would throw away trash, and recycle their paper everyday. I feel like most people don’t do their best to keep their neighborhood clean. I always fell like they don’t care about the world.

Sometimes I see people walk, and they have garbage in their pocket, and they just throw it on the ground. My dad always tells them to pick up their garbage, and then they put it back in their pocket, and then walk off. Sometimes I see people throw their garbage out the window. My dad always waits until the street is clear and then he runs out there and picks it up.

Sometimes people walk by, and see some garbage, and pick it up. Most people ignore the garbage, and walk right by it. My dad is the only person I see that only picks up garbage that’s not even his.

If more places were clean, people would want to go more places.

I think that a lot of people would me happier. In the future, I would like this entire world clean and not full of trash. People would do their best to keep the world clean.

16 - Eating Healthy

Many kids, Adults, and teenagers are overweight due to not eating healthy. I have a dream that one day, everyone will start eating healthy and exercising. Many students are also being made fun of or bullied due to their weight.

Every day, many people are getting overweight because of eating food such as candy, chips, popcorn, and other snacks. Not only snacks, but fried chicken, French fries, hamburger, pizza, and other great tasting delicious and bad food. It always tastes good, but it is not good for you. It is not bad eating it once in a while, but if you eat too much you become fat.

The solution to this problem is to start eating healthy food and healthy snacks. Some healthy snacks are apples, bananas, and other fruits and veggies. You should also make sure you exercise at least an hour a day.

The changes can’t change right away unless you take it really seriously. Someday, when you get a job or something like an interview, they will think you are a good person and not lazy.

This is what I hope will happen in the future. Make sure you eat healthy and exercise. Make sure you bring a healthy snack if you go somewhere incase you get hungry.


How does it feel if someone goes up to your face and says, “ha-ha I have this and you have that,” How does it feel when your ashamed of that you don’t have any power? Well I have a dream to get rid of all the money because people have too much power over money. If people have too much power, than that’s a hug rub it in your face.

We could burn all the money, and we could make everything free. When all that is done, then no more problems, but there might be one more problem. Then everyone who insulted you would feel because they do have something that you do. Courage.

I think the world would be better because everything would be free.

Friday, February 18, 2011

1 - Exercise

Do you wonder if you are out of shape? I have a dream that people would start eating healthy because people have to eat healthy. You can get out of shape and that is not good for your body.

People that sit on the couch and watch TV or on the computer are out of shape. I think those people should go outside and do some running and exercise. If you don’t do that, you might become lazy and not get a job.

Some people should not eat meat because that is unhealthy. I think people should start eating fruit and vegetable like bananas and strawberries and salad. If you don’t, you’re gong to be grumpy every morning. That I why you should eat healthy.

In the future you do not want to be lazy because you are not going to get a job and no money. I hope you amazing people don’t choose laziness.

19 - Recycling

Do you ever think that people litter too much? Well, I do. My dream is that people will stop littering. They will separate paper from plastic and metal. They will recycle.

The problem is that people won’t separate paper, plastic, and metal. In 2-3 years the world is going to be full of garbage. We won’t do anything just sit at home you might not even have one.

The solution is that people could get bins to separate the paper, the plastic, and the mental. Don’t worry about putting it in the same bin. It will be more work for the garbage men but it will help the world if people did this.

It will be different because people could have fresh air, and we will have a place to live.

In the future I would like to have the world be its natural nature. No Pepsi, Lays chips, Hostess cup cakes. We would see just the grass, trees, water, and everything else.

17 - Litter

#17 – 2/18/11

Have you ever seen a bunch of trash on the ground outside. Well, I have a dream that people would stop throwing trash on the ground. Trash is even thrown on the sand of the beach.

Too many people throw too much garbage on the ground so we have to help. I see trash at parking lots and in parks with trash all over the floor even the in the streets, in the roads with plastic bags in trees.

Kids start helping by picking up trash off of beaches and other parts of the world. Turtles like to have jellyfish as a snack, so they might mistaken a plastic bag for a jellyfish.

The whole world would be a different and more clean, and no fish would be mistaken a garbage piece for a snack they like to eat. The fish can have a fair world, you might pollute the water.

In the future, I would like the world to be green and clean.

26 - Clean and Safe

#26 – 2/18/11

Have you had a dream about the life of others? Well, I have a dream that the world would be clean and safe.

Some people don’t care of littering, war, animals and trees. I also want to give money to schools that don’t have a lot of money.

There are lots of people trying to help trees because animals live with them like the rainforest.

24 - Littering

#24 – Littering

Have you ever feel like you are covered in a bunch of food and drinks? If you don’t want to be covered with a bunch of food and drinks then you should “stop littering”. Littering is a bad thing to do. I you want to litter than you have a problem.

Littering is bad and the police will catch you littering. They will send you to jail for doing a bad thing. If you’re eating something, or drinking something don’t throw it on the ground. Find a trashcan and just throw it in. That’s the rule of Portland, Oregon. If you disobey the rule, then you will be sent to jail.

Do the right thing and don’t litter. Remember if you try to litter on the ground the camera will catch you littering. Then you will be sent to jail right away. If you don’t like to litter, you are a good person. If you like littering then you are a bad person. Remember don’t ever litter. Also “stop littering” and do the right choice.

In the future if littering stopped then the world would be clean. Also, I wanted people not to litter and just throw the food and drinks in the garbage. So, if you see people in the future littering, then go over there and tell them to “Stop Littering”.

9 - War

I hear guns being shot, people screaming, bombs being blown up. I have a dream that the war would stop. People are losing their lives in wars.

They are dying fighting for their country. If Afghanistan and America were at peace,

so many lives would not be lost.

If war stops, fewer people would die themselves. If war stops my dream comes true.

Now Afghanistan lost many schools and houses. Many of the people who were fighting the war lost their lives. Dream that war would stop.

In the future, if war stops, the world will be a peaceful place. Now you know why war needs to stop.

Rigler Elementry School

If you stand in front of Rigler school, you’ll see roses and flowers blooming by the front doors. If you stand in front of our playground. You’ll se kids of all ages playing around. If you stand in front of our parking lot, you’ll see kids holding orange flags with the word ”STOP”, because safety comes first. I’m going to tell whoever may be reading this story why I think Rigler is a great school.

First of all, we have a safe and fun playground. At recess, not everybody wants to play tetherball, or basketball, or 4-square, so if you just want to hang out with your friends, you can go to the playground, and just talk. Even though there are some kids running around and playing tag, they shouldn’t be bothering you for any reason. Except when it’s wet or raining, they don’t let you go to he playground, cause’ like I said before, safety comes first.

Another good thing about Rigler is that we have portables. These portables are for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. The portables are outside, so on a hot day you can just open the window, and let the cool air fly in. The only negative thing about portables is that they’re right next to the playground, so during class it might be really loud. A good thing about portables is that it’s outside, so if you feel like you need some cool air, you can just relax while changing classes!

I like going to Rigler because I have great friends. Not all of them are in my class, or my grade either. Rigler has more than 500 students! This is a good thing because than you can make different friends. By different I mean different grade level, and different race. Rigler is a very diversed school!

At Rigler we have a different meal served for lunch each day. We have variety at this school. Our salad bars are filled with fruits and veggies. Also, everyday at Rigler we have a snack. Every single class sends down 1 or 2 students to the cafeteria, so they can get the snack. It’s always fruit or vegetable. This is a good way to keep Rigler students healthy.

There are tons of teachers and staff here at Rigler. They are all kind and helpful to the students. Teachers are what make Rigler a school. Without these teachers well, Rigler wouldn’t even be a school! All the teachers at Rigler are all historians! I love going to school everyday to see all the great teachers.

Well, there you go! I told you everything I LOVE about Rigler, and I hope all Rigler students feel the same way. I will go to Rigler all the way to 8th grade, and I’m so excited to meet my future teachers! GO RIGLER!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

25 - Christmas

On Christmas day, you get to spend time with your family, you give and get presents, and you enjoy playing with your toys.

When you wake up on Christmas morning, you get to spend time with your family. Christmas isn’t all about presents. What it’s really about spending time with your family.

When you give presents during Christmas usually you also get presents. Let’s say you gave someone a laptop, and the other person gives you clothes. Don’t be mad. It’s the thoughts that counts.

When you look under the Christmas tree, what do you see? A frog? A rabbit? A monkey? No presents! Presents that are filled with toys and what not. You get to enjoy all your presents as long as you want.

In conclusion, on Christmas day you get to spend time with your family, you give and get presents, and enjoy playing with toys. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

13 - Cars

Which recent invention changed people lives the most?

Cars changed many peoples lives. Cars changed people style. With out cars we wouldn’t be able to get to work on time or to school !

After, the people bought cars they don’t walk anymore like before. They don’t exercise any more. If you just sit and drive in a car you get over weight.

You can drive to California and more places. People can drive all over the United States. If you use it too much you will kill the Earth faster because of the gas. The cars can go slow fast or however you want it to go.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

4 - Reading Group Rules

1. Be quiet when someone is talking. You should be quiet because it is disrespectful to interrupt. You should also be quiet so nobody get distracted from his or her work and they get distracted.


2. When you’re working, stay focused because then you get a lot of work done. You should also be focused because then you will get behind in your reading if you’re not.


3. If the teacher needs you to stop, make sure  you do. You should stop because that is respectful to your teacher, and so that you know what you’re suppose to be doing.


4. If you are working with someone, you should whisper because if you yell everyone will look at you and then they get off track.


5. Do your best! You should always do your best, and don’t be sloppy because then you won’t get a very good grade.

28 - Electricity

Which Recent Invention Changed Peoples Life the Most

I think electricity changed people’s life most. Although some people say that TV changed peoples life the most, if it wasn’t for electricity there will not be TV. I really think that electricity changed people’s life the most. Electricity is very helpful in many ways.
Some things we use for electricity are cars, heat, washing machines, and many more. Electricity is good for us, but bad for us also. There is the same amount of good ways as there are bad ways.
Also electricity helps you have light electricity cars, and many more things we use every day during the day at home, and when you go to school. Electricity is bad for us. If we didn’t have electricity, we wouldn’t pollute the air with our cars when we drive them on the road’s That’s what I think about this invention.

28 - Christmas

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!

Have you ever celebrated Christmas before? You celebrate Christmas at home. You celebrate Christmas in the living room where it has the most room. In the living room you have a Christmas tree for presents.

Now I am going to talk about decorations. Mostly you use decorations for a Christmas tree. Some decorations that are mostly used for Christmas trees are candy canes, lights , shiny and sparkly round ornaments, and Santa ornaments.

Now the most fun things to do is to get presents. Another thing that is fun is having a big feast. Some Christmas food is ham, turkey, cranberry sauce, corn, and sweet potaote pie. That’s what I think.

15 - Talent Show

Have ever been to a talent show? Because the 5th grade talent show

Of Rigler school was 2 weeks ago. The talent show raised money for an Omsi

Camp field trip. It was 3dollar for person and five dollars for family the rigler talent show raised 5 hundred dollars 


            At the talent show there was a lot of people.  Some people in the talent show where singing somewhere dancing. Some people where announcing the performers and what they are going to do like one performance  the bad boys they were dancing with micheal Jackson  bad


            In conclusion the talent show was a blast. It was the best talent show I’ve ever been to. And I wish there is another one next year.


Monday, February 14, 2011

13 - Christmas

“How many presents do you get for Christmas”? said my cousin. The Christmas celebration was on Dec 24.

During Christmas, we recived many presents. We got tons of clothes we couldn’t fit it in our closets! We got lots of toys too. All the kids were playing in the front yard.

We celebrate by dancing and giving hugs! We sleep at 7:00 8:00 or 4:00 in the morning! We ate tamales posole and other yummy things.

“If you get presents make sure to take care of them”, I told my cousin. After giving the presents, we ate the food that my auntie made with my mom. When we were sleepy, we went to sleep.

6 - Grandma's Horses

My grandma has a lot of animals. She keeps them in her backyard(s).I love all of her animals.

My favorite animals that she has are her horses. Their names are ; Gandolf , Cloud , Jazzmine (Jazz), and Chips.

Chips is very old. In fact he is the oldest of my grandmas horses. Chips isn’t doing so well. He had to have an operation. Luckily Chips is o.k.

My grandma has seventeen chickens, four horses, three roosters, one dog, and one really mean duck. The dogs name is Sam. He is also really old.

I say that the duck is mean because he is. He is so mean that he bites. Because he bites we keep him in his own pen so that we can go outside without fear of being bitten.
So those are most of my grandmas animals. I hope you enjoyed it!

21 - Talent Show

Have you been to a talent show? I’ve been in five. How many have you been to?

At the talent show, we raised $ 500 for Omsi. People were dancing, singing, reading poems, and playing violins. We served out pizza and popcorn. That got us a lot of money.

At the talent show, everybody made who ever performed feel comfortable. Also everyone clapped for a song that needed clapping, even the principal. Her name is Ms.Cunnin.

Lastly everyone at the talent show wants you to have fun and explore fantastic
things . See you at the next one! If there is a next one, I’ll see you there.

In conclusion we all thank you for coming. Have a nice day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

19 - Talent Show

The talent show

The talent show was on January 21, 2011.It goes 8to6 in the auditorium at our school.

$Stephanie and I did the hoedown throw down by miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana. There were 21 performances .all of us worked so hard before the talent show, we rehearsed. we wanted to raise a lot of money so we can go on our OMSI camp in may. we raised $500.

I hope we will be able to go also I hope we can have another talent show.

4 - Electricity

I think the most important invention is electricity. Without it, we wouldn’t have lights power for dishwashers, washers, dryers, and a bunch of other stuff.

The world would be a lot different in so many ways. We would have to use candles to light up our house and the light from the sun. It would be boring because you would have to work harder, and you wouldn’t watch any television.

The world has changed so much since electricity was invented. We have lights, television, cars, things to wash our clothes with, and heat so we’re warm. On the other hand, electricity has also made the earth not very clean. If we didn’t have cars we wouldn’t pollute the air by driving them on the roads.

Electricity has changed many people’s lives and sure has changed mine. I’m am so happy this was invented!

2 - Eid

Every two times a year we celebrate a holiday called Eid. Eid is the best. I will tell you I celebrate it, what we do, and why it is very important to me.

There is a reason why I celebrate it. We celebrate it because we are like congratulating ourselves for working so hard for thirty days of Ramadan. We wake up in the morning, and we eat as much as we can.

In Eid we wake up early in the morning. We take a nice hot shower. Then we dress up in our finest clothes. We go to the convention center, and everybody says hi to each other. The kids say something in our language then we get five bucks. As you know I love money.

This why I like Eid so much. I like to be with my family. I hope that in the future I can get more and more money.

8 - OMSI

Two weeks ago on Friday the talent show happened at 6:00-8:00 in the auditorium. We had a talent show to raise money for our Omsi field trip at the end of the year . People did there best to raise money.

We raised $ 500 , so that means it took a lot of people to raise that amount of money . The $ 500 got split between 3 classes . The 5th grade classes is very lucky to have all these people help us raise money to go on the field trip . The 5th grade teachers put a lot of hard work into the field trip.

Some of the 5th grade students are brave enough to perform in front of a lot of people . They did it because they know how much we all want to go on the Omsi field trip .They always were practicing . They did a very good job , and I am very proud of them.

Now you know one good way to raise money for a field trip that cost a lot of money . If we didn’t have all these people to help , we wouldn’t have all this money.

1 - Cars

Which recent invention change people’s lives most?
I think cars changed our lives the most. Without cars we would not be able to go to work, or go places far from our house.

If we couldn’t go to work, we will not be able to pay the water bill and the house bill.

If you don’t pay the bill they would cut your water bill.
I think electricity we need.

With out electricity we would not be able to make copies of the sagely and that would be a disaster.

22 - Fences

I think fences are important for people and kids safe for there houses. People want fences because it protects the house and your family from harm. And the fences are for dog and cats too. Someone created the fence for protection. And the fence protects your family and your pets. If you don’t have a fence, your family and your kids will be in danger and your pets will run away. Fences help you and your family. It is important for your family and your kids and pets.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

27 - Talent show

Did you know that on Friday, January 21, 2011, there was a 5th grade talent show? I t was 2 hours, from 6 to 8. All of the profits went to the OMSI overnight fieldtrip. This is a big deal for us, because without the talent show, we would have a lot less money than we have now.

The 5th graders had practiced a lot for this. There were more than 20 acts! One part I liked about the talent show was that the acts were mixed. There was some dancing, singing, instrument playing, and even a skit! Also, Ms. Tucker and Ms. Schulte, 2 fifth grade teachers, danced to the song “I Will Survive”. I bet that drew in a bunch of people. Ms. Tucker’s class even danced to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”!

The talent show was a success, and we’re all glad that it was. We’re still planning to make more fundraisers, so we can raise more money. 5th grade teachers and students are working very hard for this field trip. After the talent show, we counted the money, and we made over 400 dollars! Let’s hope that all 5th grade classes get to go to the OMSI overnight field trip in May!

13 - School Rules

Be respectful

In our classroom we can’t yell or else you get your name on the board! No running or going outside with out permission. No energy drinks and no soda.

In the library

No yelling and no throwing books we cant go into the closet the librarian has there. Lastly, respect the teacher.

The office

When someone comes to visit, they have to get a visitor tag. If you feel bad, you go the office to call your parents. If you get interlope, you go to the office with the principal.

18 - Field day

Kids run around and play the games on the field. As I walk outside, I smell the fresh air, and listen to the screams in the air. I love my schools field day.

At our school every spring we have a field day. On this day we have races, tug-of-war, and a lot of games to play. One thing I love to do is race in the 50-yard dash.

The 50-yard is a race that is 50-yards long. In the race are four kids from each class. The race is divided by grade and by boy or girl. In the years I have raced, I have got 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 3rd place again.

Field Day is a very fun day for me, so I hope you have it in your school.

4 - Talent Show

The Talent Show


Have you ever been to a talent show? Two weeks ago our fifth grade classes had one. It was at Rigler in the auditorium.

The tickets costed three dollars per person or five dollars per family, which included two people or more. We raised five hundred dollars and used the money to the fifth graders help pay for an Omsi camp. The money was split into thirds because there are three fifth grade classes.

They put on a great performance and practiced really hard. Everybody tried his or her best. Although it took a lot of work, it turned out great! I loved it, and I hope they have another one!

After the show, everyone was cheering and Ms. Tucker got flowers because she is the one who directed the whole thing! I had lots of fun, and I can’t wait to go on the trip!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

25 - Inventions

Which recent invention changed people’s lives the most?

In the early 1900’s people made cars. It was made to get people around the U.S. Not many people walked around anymore, and that changed people’s lives forever.

People aren’t exercising by walking, they are taking cars, because they say that they don’t need to walk because they got cars.

New cars have changed people’s styles. People judge people by the cars that they drive. If the most popular kid in school came to school in a uncool car, all of the kids would think he is uncool.

Otherwise their great, they help people get around to far places. What if someone wanted to get to the beach, but it’s 1,000 miles away? Cars are good and cars are bad.

Friday, February 4, 2011

27 - The telephone

Ring! Ring! Ring! That’s the sound that a telephone makes. I think an invention that changed our life is the telephone. I am going to tell you why I think the telephone is an invention that changed our life.

Before the telephone, people only used telegrams, and you could only read what the other person wanted to say, but you can actually HEAR what the other person wanted to say with a telephone. It’s harder to tell somebody something in words than it is to just say it out loud. I’m not sure if that’s true for everybody, but it is for most people.

Also, it just takes a few seconds for a call to transfer from one telephone to the other. For telegrams it takes days to see the message. If you need to tell somebody some urgent news, a telephone would be handier.

Even though we have all the inventions and electronics we need today, I still wonder what it would be like to have new ones. Like flying cars, or even time machines! Then, you could go back in time to see all the inventions that weren’t there back then we still use today.......

21 - TV

Which recent invention changed people’s lives the most? I think t.v. changed people’s lives the most . Without t.v. , We couldn’t see what happens all over the world like China, or Ireland. On the other hand it might rot your brain.

If we didn’t have t.v. where would we get entertainment? Where could we get the weather? Also how would kids know if there are new toys like nerf guns or legos, if they show it?

Also how would we know if someone got stuck in a heavy thing, or got killed or lost? What if we wanted to play video games like Call of Duty Black Ops, or Mario Kart? Although that’s not why t.v’s are for. We have to respect the t.v. because it’s not going to last long.

18 - Electricity

What recent invention has changed people’s life and the world the most?

In my opinion it is gas. No vehicle, or any car could drive without gas. Without gas planes wouldn’t fly, and cars wouldn’t drive. We use gas everyday, every week, every month, and every year.

Gas is used in every part of the world. They use gas for planes in Tokyo, Japan, cars for Chicago Illinois, and for everyday vehicles in Moscow, Russia. If you go into any city in any state I reckon that you will see all kinds of vehicles.

Gas does so much to the world. People can get places on time, and have time to themselves. Without gas people would be sleeping less, to get up earlier, to get places on time.

I am sure gas is the most needed thing in the world. Gas is a genius invention. As you start to learn about cars, you will start respecting gas even more!

17 - Electricity

#17 Electricity

Electricity would change lives by
Using it to have light .You could have television
and watch sports all day .If we didn’t have
electricity ,we wouldn’t be able to have transportation.
You would make a carrige with wheels made out of

If we didn’t have electricity in our days,
we wouldn’t be able to watch television or play games.
If it wasn’t for electricity we wouldn’t have heaters in
Our houses to warm us.

I am lucky because if there was no electricity
There would be no heat, so you would probably get
hypothermia in the winter when it snows in the streets.
I hope they can make more stuff that can help the earth
By electricity.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

25 - China

If I could spend one week living in another country, I would live in the country China, because it’s my heritage. I’m Chinese, I was born in California, but my dad was born in China.

When I’m in China, I’d like to explore the country, try their foods and see new things. I’d like to live in one of their finest houses, sleep in one of their finest beds, and eat some of their finest foods. While I’m there, I’ll even explore their finest building.

Another thing I’ll do in China is make toys and learn how to make the clay bowls and cups. I would steer the boat to the drop off destination. Then I’d come back to ware one of the robes.

When the week is over, I’d get in the plane to comeback home. When I come home, I would tell my friends and family what I learned, and what I did there. Maybe I’d go back there someday with my friends and family.

In conclusion, if I could live in one country for one week, it would be China, because it’s my heritage. I would have a lot of fun there, would you?! I hope that one day I go to China.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 - Mom's Rice Mix

As I walked through the door of my house I smelled air. I smelled my mom’s somalion rice. Did you know that I help my mom cook the food?

One time when my mom was cooking she put a lot of salt in the rice and the rice was salty and she didn’t see what she was grabbing.

When I tasted the rice it was salty so me and my mom cooked another rice so we don’t have to eat the salty rice.

In conclusion , my mom sometimes does not see what she is putting in the rice. when you are cooking you can’t see and you won’t see what you are doing.

15 - The big game

The big game

This is the time when our class went out for an extra recess we were playing Basketball .the team’s were mahamed,abdullahi A,abdullahi M,grayson and tre Vs le, Abdul, Edwin, Maddy, Sharrieff, and Elizbeth. it started out pretty good. But then we were playing really hard. So then the rest of my team tried to get the ball from Edwin. So they did. Abbullahi A crossed everyone on the and tried to shoot it from a three pointer .and so he did it. It was incredible.

Next it was the other team’s ball .they were starting out good .some made 3pointer’s.some made two pointer’s.the other team was kind of good .but Mohamed grabbed the ball from the other team hand. And passed it to me .I tried to shoot it from as far as I could. Then I made it was unbelievable. I never thought I could make it from There. Trust me I was really proud of myself

Later during the game .It was 5 to 10 we were in the lead .the game was fun so then Grayson shot a three pointer. So that made us has 13 point’s. so then it was the other team’s ball so le shot a two pointer so that made them have seven point’s . so that’s when we got angry. So we shot a lot of point’s 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 and so we won it was Awesome.

Conclusion when we were vary proud of each other. So then we gust started to yell were really Happy. So that’s when I believed that I was pretty good at basketball and sport’s I didn’t no.

9 - How to become a Ninja Assassin

How to become a Ninja Assassin

To become an assassin you must be fast enough to disappear. If you are slow your enemy can slice you in half without noticing.

Also you need to learn mixed martial arts. Mixed martial arts are Kung fu Taekwondo, and Karate. You must study all three of them, then you mix them together which makes mixed Martial arts.

Also you must wear a black jump suit to attack the person without noticing you must stay quite. The best time to kill the person is at night in their house. Legend has it on stormy nights at midnight when you, say black sand they will com after you.

Monday, January 31, 2011

3 - Basketball

One day I told my brother if he wants to play basketball and he said sure lets go so I changed my clothes and he was done changing me too. So my brother and me got ready to go play basketball. So I grabbed my basketball ball. I asked my aunt for permission and she said okay bit take care.

Then we got were wanted to go it was some place. Then I started playing but I was goofing around I made a 3 pointer. Then my brother said good shot . Then my brother was putting his basketball shoes to get ready too play basketball.
After that my brother was done putting his shoes on. We started warming up me and my brothers were playing a game horse. If I missed a shot its his turn but if he makes it I have to make it were shot from. Then he missed it was my turn so I made it..

Then we started to play a basketball game the he started playing we had to get up to 20 if you get 20 points you win . Then he started playing. Then I had the ball then I crossed my brother then I made the shot. Then he started making his shots then he beat me.

Then we started getting ready to go home . Then we started walking home. Then we started running home. Then I told my brother good game you really beat me. Then I watching TV. I put am music called Rockteer .Then I started eating pizza. My brother ate too. Then my brother started using the laptop. He was watching amazing jerkz its about jerking is dancing.Me and my brother had a great time together. “)

18 - A Play

Mr. Robertson……………..Teacher
Class……………………………All Students
Scene 1

Setting: Mr. Robertson’s class
Mr. Robertson: Tomorrow each one of you is going to give a report with another student that is assigned with you on a president
Class: Okay
Mr. Robertson: These are the groups. Mark and Emily, Sierra and Justin, Taylor and Marcus, Nathan and Serena, Jake and Katie, Samantha and Jacob, Matthew and Amy,
Matthew: Awww man, do I have to be with her, Mr. Robertson
Amy: Yeah, why do I have to be with him?
Mr. Robertson: Amy and Matthew, that’s not nice. You two should be respecting each other. Now put your name on the board and apologize.
Nathan: Yeah Apologize.
Mr. Robertson: Nathan you may put your name on the board.
Serena: Amy why did you open your mouth? Next time keep it shut.
Mr. Robertson: Serena I do not need any help. Now you three may come in for recess.
Scene 2

Time: Recess time.
Setting: Mr. Robertson’s Class
Mr. Robertson: Now, you three need to learn how to respect each other. Did you apologize?
Amy, Matthew, and Nathan: Yes.
Mr. Robertson: Good. Amy and Matthew, I think you two will make a great team. You may go to recess.
Scene 3

Time: The next day.
Setting: Mr. Robertson’s class.
Mr. Robertson: I hope your reports are finished. Now first up are Amy and Matthew.
Matthew: Our report is on George W. Bush but before I start I want to say that respecting people is as important as ruling the world.

27 - Classroom rules

3 Rigler Classroom Rules

1.Follow directions the first time given. When the teacher asks you to do something you shouldn’t complain or make a comment. Also you shouldn’t talk back when your teacher says something. If you do talk back, than that is disrespectful.

2.Keep your hands and feet to yourself, and give people their space. If you touch people that will cause them to get mad, and hit you back. Rigler should be a violence free school zone! If you break this rule, that wouldn’t be very safe.

3.Keep a positive attitude. Nobody likes to get a negative comment after they share something. Don’t think that everything your doing is going to be boring, who knows? You might have fun as long as you participate!

Those are 3 rules you can follow to be a great Rigler star!

28 - My Grandma's House

My grandma’s house

On August 6 I went to my grandma’s house to help her with things she needed help on. She said,” do you want to help me with the jelly”? I said ,”yes”. I went to go get the bowl to put the strawberries and blackberries in.

Next we went into the garden to pick the strawberries and blackberries. The blackberries were behind the shed. They were covered with spider webs. I screamed because I ran into a spider web. The strawberries were by the raspberries. The bees were sucking the nectar out the flowers, but besides that they were easy to get.

Then we rinse them off with cold water. Then we put them in a pot with warm water. It almost filled the top of the pot. We boiled it for five minuets with gelatin. Then it got thick.

Last we put the jelly into some jars. Then we put them into the refrigerator to cool for 3-4 hours. When it cooled we ate the jelly with some toast!

4 - The Show

The Show

“Hey you guys let’s have a show,” I said. Teresa, Maria, Imone, and Nia were at my house in the backyard thinking of a game to play. It was around 6:00 when we decided to do a show. Since I had a tramp, we could use it to do cool tricks and stuff on their!

We choose who would go first, second, third, fourth, and last. Maria was first. She was swinging on the poles, back and forth, swaying from side to side, with wind blowing in her hair. When she jumped down, she flew through the air like a bird trying to go south before it freezes.

When it came to my turn, I used an umbrella for my performance. When I jumped up in the air as I was coming down, the umbrella was inside out, and I could feel my hair blowing in tons of different directions. Then when I landed, it turned back the way it was suppost to. Boy I loved the wind and wondered what the judges thought of my performance so far. I decided I couldn’t do what I was doing forever so, I threw the umbrella and decide t to do a flip.
I jumped about six times until I was high enough. While I was turning, I felt very confident that the judges would love my performance, but I was to busy thinking that I landed on my neck and then bounced on it again! My neck hurt super badly!

The next morning my neck hurt even more, but at least I won the game with a total of 20 points from the judges.

17 - Rules for PE

Rules for PE

You have to pay attention to the pe teacher
pe teacher.Don’t play with anything while the teacher is talking.
If she see’s something that you did several times ,she will not let
You play and will you sit by the wall.

Do not play with anything wile she is talking like with marbles or another object .she will take it away and not give it back.

The main reason in pe is to have fun .Follow directionsby listening and not playing with anything.

19 - California


When I went to California

Have you ever been to another Sate? Well I have I’ve been to California .san Francisco and san José. My great grandma and grandpa live there, you should go.

I do everything their go swimming in my grandparent’s pool. I used to be a
Cheerleader, I go to the park that I grew up in. I love to do everything there, and I love to cook.

When my grandma and me cook it always tastes so good we make brownies, cupcakes, ice cream, upside down cake. Before we eat our dessert we have to whip up some dinner or lunch or a snack. After that we would go swimming.

I love Christmas there I would get everything that was on my wish list, and she would always make me laugh so hard, because my grandma is, so funny.

That’s the time I went to California and was, so proud.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

28 - Camping

One cold Thursday morning my dad woke me up at 5:30 to pack for the trip. We planned this camping trip for 3 months. This was my third time camping! I wish I'd remembered the name of the campsite but I don't. After we packed we went to Linda's house to meet with her and my brother June bug.

When we got to Linda's house we saw Tonie, Junebug, Nate, Damion, Keana, Alea and Linda. Tonie is my sister she is 13 now. Junebuug is my oldest brother he is 31 now. Nate is my nephew he is 6 now. Damion is my youngest nephew he is 4 now. Keana is my neice she is 8. Alea is my oldest niece she is my age she is 11. Linda is Junebugs mom, and Tonic's mom.

Tnie, Nate, Damion, Keana, Alea, and I started to play. While Linda was packing we played with Tonie's dog. Tonie's dog's name is Shaday. She is a Chiwawa. Shaday is black, has a white spot on her ear, and one big white spot on her tummy. Shaday is as fast as an athlete. She can run for an hour non stop. It will take an hour and thirty minutes to catch her, or you might have fast lets and arms.

When Linda was packed, we started driving. We drove to Walmart for some more supplies. We were trying to get some worms for fishing. My dad bought me some sunglasses too. Nate and I got bored, and we saw some balls that we could play with. Then I took off my sunglasses and set them down on the shelf.

Next we started to play two square. After that my dad said it was time to go. We left Walmart, and we went back to our cars. My dad packed some Gatorade, and I got a purple Gatorade and drunk it. After that I remembered that I'd left my sunglasses on the shelf. Then I just let it go. As we left, I started to cry.

A few minutes later we stopped at Jack In the Box for breakfast. I got 3 eggrolls, fries, and a water. Tonie, Nate, Damion, Keana, Alea, Junebug, Linda and my dad got egg sandwiches. There was a gas station next to Jack In the Box, so we stopped there to fill up our gas tanks. The gas station was called AM PM. Then we left.

An hour later we arrived at the campsite. I was going to get the food out first but my dad said to set the test first because we will have not have anywhere to put the food. Linda and I had the same kind of test. Dad and I finished setting our tent before Linda did. After we got done with the test we got out the food. It was 3 hours until 7 o'clock.

My uncle John came over and got something to eat. Then he told us a scary story. The story was about a warthog human living on a very tall hill. The warthog human flashed his light every night. Next he said to put gram crackers in front of your tests because the warthog human loves gram crackers, or else he will shake your test at night and demand some gram crackers.

The next morning was a hot day. It was so hot we took a walk and brought our swimming suits to find a small stream to cool off in. The water was so cold it made me shiver on a hot day. After about an hour we went back to the campsite for breakfast. We had eggs, pancakes, and water for breakfast. As the day went past, it was almost dinner time. For dinner we had chili hot dogs.

The next morning was a hot day too. It was Sunday. Sunday was the day that we were going to come back to Portland. We went back home. That was the best camping trip ever!

Friday, January 28, 2011

13 - Camping

First, we turned on the fire then we put up our tents and our beds too. Then we ate we were all talking around the fire. When, we get tired we go to sleep in our tents.

Next when, we wake up in the morning we eat. All the children played, rode there bikes in the middle of the street. Then it went night again we sat around the fire every single day.

Then we wake up, and ate of course play too then we went to hiking. I saw a snake I yelled “Uncle Luis” he got my my hand and we ran together. All my cousins were in front, so when, we got back we ate marshmallows. We drew with chalks, and then it was going dark outside. We ate dinner, and we went to bed.

After, that in the morning we did what we do daily at camping. Our parents were playing a game out in the street all the kids were cracking up lighting. We ate dinner we chatted, and went to sleep.

Last, we packed up the sleeping stuff in the morning. We went to the lake for a swim. All the dads rent a peddling boat 3 unties got on it, and the boat went down into the water when we were done we gave back the boat. We ate, and packed pu then we left home again. “that was fun” everyone said.

Rules for the Library - 25

1.Treat them gently.
Flipping the page to hard can rip them. You would have to pay for them if that happened. Always treat the book gently.

2. Keep food away from the books.
Eating food around the books could easily ruin them. Always keep them away from food and drinks.

3. Keep them up high.
Leaving them down on the floor could easily lead to them getting stepped on or a baby ripping it. That will always lead to paying for the book.

4.Don’t let people borrow the books.
Someone borrowing the books could easily get them ripped. Some people don’t care about the books because the books don’t belong to them.

5.Return books gently.
Throwing the books on the counter could easily break or rip it, because it has been used many times. The Librarian wouldn’t be happy.

22 - Day of the Dead

When I was going to calibrate the day of the dib . My bother was exited I call my mom if she can get me a sweet skeletons . MY mom ask if she can have three sweet skeletons candy the men said ‘ yes’ there only free thank you . Then my mom give use one for each of use. My mom grave are hands an went to the cemetery my brother got scared we look at the graved from are dib dog then we put flowers many peoples were crying sadness . We got out of the cemetery an I would never forget to celebrate the day of the dib .

Thursday, January 27, 2011

25 - Camping

When you see tents at the store, have you ever wanted to go camping? One time I saw some tents and the exact same thing happened.

My mom worked at Scholastics at the time. She worked every day from 12a.m to 4p.m. She didn’t have any days off, so I looked at her calendar to see when she had a couple of days off. She had 7 days off next week!

Next, I asked my mom if we could go camping next week. She said,“ yes as long as everyone wants to.” I asked my family and they said,” sure we’d love to!” I told my mom that and she wanted us to get ready for next week!

A week later, we were all ready to go camping. My family and I got in the car driving to our campsite. We had a great time there! We roasted marshmallows, we played camp games and more! We had fun!

In conclusion, when you see tents at the store, have you ever wanted to go camping? I hope you will have fun going camping.

10 - Going to the lake

On summer break my mom and dad were planning to go to Wild waves. They decide that we should go on Saturday. Me and my cousin John were so happy because he was coming with us. My cousin and I are like brother and sister because we like to do everything with each other. He is 13 years old.

Next, it is time to wake up it is 5:00 am. My cousin spent the night at our house .We already got our clothes and everything ready the night before. I went to my parent room to wake them up. I went over to my mom, and told her,” Mom wake up it’s almost time to get everything on the truck”. She woke up my dad, and she told me , go wake up your brother” I went and woke up my brother, and my cousin and me were putting everything on the truck . My parents and my brother were all ready ,and they all got on the truck .

Finally , it was time to leave , I only brought my I pod to not get bored . We didn’t get to eat anything , and everybody was starving . It took us like 3 hours to get there . It was kind of fun and boring on the way there. When we got there it was really sunny . The parking space cost 10.00 $ . After we parked , we went t get in line. It was a long line the entrance was 30.00$ each person. When we got inside , we all went t the bathroom to get changed. Then we went to buy a family locker , it was huge .Then we went to a huge rollercoaster . After we went to all of the rides , we went swimming. I t was still early and we went to a lot of rides.

Finally , it was time to leave. It was 6.00 pm .We got to our house around 9.00 pm . When we got home I told my mom, ‘Thanks for taking us to Wild waves ‘.She said , ‘ your welcome’. All of us went to sleep because we were so tired . We all had a fun day at Wild waves.