Monday, October 11, 2010

19-all about me poem

All about me poem
My name is I.R
I have experienced camping.
I love the wilderness.
The smell of the pine trees.
The beauty of the sun set and the moon.

I imagine me making the biggest Ice cream cone.
I love I love to try new things.

I know how to pogo over 100 times.
I love to play, jump and have fun.

I wonder if I’ll ever become a magician because I love magic and I’m
Not shy.


  1. Hi I.R.!
    I enjoyed your poem very much. It made me imagine the wilderness and giant ice cream cones.
    You can pogo over 100 times! I always fell off before #10. ^_^
    Magic tricks are fun and I'm sure you can be a magician, if you want to.
    Thank you for sharing your poem with me.
    Love, Granny

  2. Hello IR,

    That is so interesting that you enjoy magic, and I am sure you can perform on stage one day because you are not shy. You gave a great description of your camping trip, and I enjoyed how you painted a picture of the scenery. You also sound very athletic, what sports do you enjoy playing?

  3. Hey IR, you have good details. I also love camping with my family. I love icecream cones even though I have never had a huge one. You must be good to pogo over 100 times. I can never go over 3. See you around.

  4. Hi I.R! This poem tells me a lot about you! I can tell that your a really fun person, including the fact that you imagined BIG ICECREAM CONES, and you have JUMPED ON A POGO STICK 100 TIMES. It must be great to have a friend like you.
