Friday, September 24, 2010

19 - Mr. Franz

19 – Best Builder Alive

Mr. Franz is the best male builder alive. He can even build a Museuem in one hour.

One day Mr. Franz saw a guy building a mall. Mr. Franz said “Do you need help”. The guy said “No thank you my name is “builder la Build Only my fans could call me BIB for short. Mr. F Said “I challenge you for a build off”. “OK BIB said Wednesday 2:00am.

On Wednesday 2:00, Mr. Franz and Builder la Build were both with their supplies. A guy said ready, set, go. Mr. Franz was cutting wood for all ten houses BIB was making windows. Then there was 5 minutes on the clock. Mr. Franz was done Builder la build was on his 8th house. Mr. F went over to BIB and helped. Mr. Franz said I doesn’t matter who is the best male builder alive. We both can be.

Now Mr. Franz and Builder la Build aka BIB own a company called Make your house look like ours.


  1. What a nice story. It is very imaginative. I liked the part at the end when they decided to cooperate rather than have a contest. Cooperation is better.

    The story is based between reality and fantasy. For example a fantasy is that a person can build a museum in an hour. Reality is the details of the builders having their supplies. I get the feeling that you go back and forth between the two and weren't really sure which was which.

    Also the story could have been a lot longer with longer time to tell the story. It's a nice story.

  2. You have a very good imagination! I like this story a lot. I just watched a show on TV about handymen who competed to be the Best Handyman in America. They had to do stuff like put in windows and put a roof on a dog house.
    The best part of your story is when Mr. Franz was done and he went over and helped BIB. That made me feel good that he cared more about BIB than about winning.
    Great story! ^_^
    Love, Granny

  3. I like your story about Mr. Franz being the best builder alive!!!


  4. I love your story!!! It is super great!


  5. That was so fantastic!!! I want to keep reading it and reading it !!!!!!!

  6. THat was a very good story! You should become a writer when you grow up!!
