Friday, September 24, 2010

23 - Aliens

One day when I was practicing at R an alien spaceship landed in the middle of the soccer field . An alien boy who was disguised as human boy so I ran. He herd that I was the best soccer player on Earth.

He had beaten all the other people on different planets . EARTH was the only one left so if he beat me he would be the best soccer player in the universe . So I couldn’t let that happen.

A few minuets later we have started the game he said, ”The first to 50 wins”. I had started off with ball but as soon as got to his goalie posts took it away, I REALIZED THAT I need to use speed to beat this guy.
Before I even got to him he had already made a goal.2 hours later it was a tie 49 to 49.I thought to myself who was going to make the last goal me or him.

I told myself ‘I have to win this. This was the biggest game of my life.’ I started off with some very fast moves , like the bicycle and the rainbow . I got past him but then he took the ball away from and started to copy my moves.

He passed me and started to run to my goal but I got mad and ran my full speed .I caught up with him so fast I made him look like a slug .I took the ball away and ran to his goalie post.

I delivered the final blow right in his goal from half field .That kick looked like it wasn’t going to make it but it curved so beautifully it was impossible to block .So I made it and won the game .That’s how I triumphed over evil and saved the universe.


  1. What a great story! You have a wonderful imagination. I feel like this story just had to come out of you onto the paper. Great.

    You have a couple of mis-spelled words (herd instead of heard, for example) and I think if you had read the story after you finished writing it, you would have caught them. Maybe also Bicycle and Rainbow should be capitalized as they are particular moves...the rule is to capitalize a particular person, place, or thing.

    I'm glad you triumphed over evil and saved the universe :)

  2. I think this is an epic sports story and I love all the action and excitement as you and the alien boy race back and forth across field scoring goals.

  3. Great story. I liked it a lot. You took the time to write a long story and explained the emotions you felt and the soccer contest with the alien. I liked that you weren't for sure you could win until you actually did, because that is how it is in real life.
    Thank you for sharing your story with me. ^_^
    Love, Granny

  4. Great story #23! That story is so creative. I liked how you said he copied your moves. Nice story dude!!!:] $$$$$
