Friday, September 24, 2010

22 - Abby

22 – Abby

Abby is a good at soccer, but a girl wants to play with Abby.

Abby is the best soccer player ever, but she needed to focus on the goal.

One day the other soccer player asked Abby if she wanted to play against but Abby was afraid to loose, she wanted to win.

Abby said, “Ok, I am ready to play soccer”, but she focused at the goal and she shoot at the goal.

She won the golden key of the city.


  1. What a nice story. Good for Abby!

    Did you read this again after you wrote it? I notice that there was word missing and one or two other things I think you would change. It's always a good idea to read something you wrote when you are finished (you can wait a bit if you want). We all make mistakes (I do, a lot) and that's how you can find and correct them.

    Keep doing good work.

  2. Oh boy, I know how it feels to want to win. Every night my husband and I play a game of Parcheesi and I am not a very good loser. I need to work on that. ^_^
    I'm glad that Abby overcame her fear of losing to play. Focusing on the goal helped her to make it, which is great.
    Thank you for sharing this story with me.
    Love, Granny
